Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome

I  don't know the named of the disease whether it was related to the first scientists who described this syndrome or how it's related to the syndrome in one way or another !

however, I believe the alternative name would typically describe it; "Exomphalos-macroglossia-gigantism triad" , it's a typically described as "Overgrowth syndrome" enlargement of organs and body parts , may be symmetrical or even Asymmetrical ! expect also hypoglycemia and polycythemia secondary to hyperinsulinemia

                                          note the Macroglossia and plethora  !

it's caused by different genes mutations all have the same location at 11p15 (short arm of chromosome 11), one of them IGF-2 gene encoding somatomedins
and also monitoring for the development of abdominal tumors , particularly hepatoblastomas and Wilm's tumour through serial ultrasounds and AFP levels up to the age of 6 years is important.

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